Category Archives: Photos + haiku

Sweet September days

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Sweet September days

Art, butterflies, friends, sunset

It’s goodbye… for now

A few August pics

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A few August pics

Weekend outings, hiking, cake

And good silliness

Graduation day

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Graduation day

We have conquered CELTA. Joy!

Now let’s celebrate

Study, learn, plan, teach

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Study, learn, plan, teach

CELTA is indeed intense

(Just as advertised!)

Spanish class moments

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Spanish class moments

Textbooks, grammar notes, vocab

Constant challenges

A few June photos

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A few June photos

Birds, bats, horses, and a tick

Plus some new-found friends

Day-long jungle hike

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Day-long jungle hike

Mountains, streams, rows of coffee

Fresh fish and plantains

I am here — I’m “home”

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I am here — I’m “home”

Beautiful house, many plants

Sweet afternoon rain